Author: Cointelegraph By Andrew Singer

Bitcoin Investing Made Simple!

Is El Salvador’s Bitcoin gambit finally paying off?

El Salvador’s controversial $117.5 million Bitcoin investment briefly swung into profitability this past week for the first time in two…
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Why Binance’s US plea deal could be positive for crypto adoption

Many predicted that Binance would never embrace regulation — it would only pretend to comply in jurisdictions like the United…
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Is crypto really to blame?

The ghastly events of this past month raise again some troubling questions: Does crypto have a terrorist fundraising problem? Are…
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Central banks want to look under crypto’s hood — Is this a positive sign?

The Bank for International Settlements’ (BIS) Project Atlas report offers yet another indication that the worlds of crypto and traditional…
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Zero-knowledge proofs show potential from voting to finance – Cointelegraph Magazine

In a world increasingly anxious about privacy and exploitation of one’s personal data by governments, corporations, social media platforms and…
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ETF filings changed the Bitcoin narrative overnight — Ledger CEO

Over the past 12 months, some investors learned the hard way why they needed to move their crypto offline. Those…
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From the U.S. to Japan, regulators are beginning to embrace crypto

When it comes to cryptocurrency/blockchain regulation, considerable attention has been focused, this past year, on the United States’ action (or…
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United Kingdom’s digital pound meets public backlash — Why?

British society is both civil and democratic, so it wasn’t unexpected that the government of the United Kingdom would “consult”…
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Will BlackRock’s ETF slingshot Bitcoin’s price skyward?

Traditional financial firms finally believe that digital assets are here to stay. Or so one might conclude from the slew…
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Does the US have a crypto ‘tax loophole’ problem?

The crypto sector appears to have dodged another bullet. At the time of publication, the United States has reached a…
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