Author: Cointelegraph By Marcel Deer

Bitcoin Investing Made Simple!

How to buy Bitcoin in Dubai

[ad_1] Dubai is a magnificent city to live and work in. But how can someone buy Bitcoin in Dubai? Is it legal to buy Bitcoin in Dubai? Is Dubai crypto-friendly?  Here’s a quick guide with the answers. The great news is that, yes, buying Bitcoin (BTC) in the United Arab Emirates is permitted, and the…
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How to handle crypto trading gains and losses on your balance sheet

[ad_1] Currently, no accounting standards are dedicated to crypto assets, so broader guidelines per the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP) are applied to cryptocurrency accounting. Balance sheets are among the three primary financial statements that businesses need, alongside income and cash flow statements. Whereas income and cash flow statements…
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How to track and report crypto transactions for tax purposes

[ad_1] As cryptocurrencies and blockchain assets continue to grow in popularity and mainstream adoption, the United States Internal Revenue Service has taken an increasing interest in their taxation.  In the U.S., cryptocurrency is subject to crypto tax and is classified as transactions instead of property or assets. Needless to say, failure to accurately track and…
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What is a coinbase transaction?

[ad_1] The coinbase transaction’s value is based on factors such as each individual transaction’s value, block height, and halving. Miners can add any customizable text to the blocks they have created. The value of a coinbase transaction is determined by several factors. These include the value of every transaction validated by the block, the height…
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How to build a cryptocurrency mining rig

[ad_1] Cryptocurrency mining involves using a computer, or several computers, to validate transactions on a blockchain. Technically, these computers solve cryptographic equations and record data in a digital ledger. The more computers solving equations, the faster the blockchain can validate transactions. When miners verify the hashes of unconfirmed blocks, they receive a reward for each…
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Golden cross vs. death cross explained

[ad_1] Compared to the golden cross, a death cross involves a downside MA crossover. This marks a definitive market downturn and typically occurs when the short-term MA trends down, crossing the long-term MA.  Simply put, it’s the exact opposite of the golden cross. A death cross is usually read as a bearish signal. The 50-day…
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Market correction vs. bear market: Key differences explained

[ad_1] Market corrections and bear markets both involve price declines, but knowing how to differentiate between the two is crucial in protecting your investment portfolio. [ad_2] Source link

What is a bull trap, and how to identify it?

[ad_1] Newbie crypto traders should be wary of bull traps. If you suspect one is on the way, here are some tips to identify it. [ad_2] Source link

How to use a Bitcoin ATM

[ad_1] Things required to use a Bitcoin ATM There are a few things you’ll need to prepare before you can get started on using a Bitcoin ATM: A crypto wallet The first thing you’ll need before using a Bitcoin ATM is a crypto wallet. More specifically, you’ll need a Bitcoin wallet. A crypto wallet is…
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How to pick or analyze altcoins?

[ad_1] What are altcoins? The word “altcoin” is derived from “alternative” and “coin.” Altcoins refer to all alternatives to Bitcoin. Altcoins are cryptocurrencies that share characteristics with Bitcoin (BTC). For example, Bitcoin and altcoins have a similar basic framework. Altcoins also function like peer-to-peer (P2P) systems and share code, much like Bitcoin. Of course, there…
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