Author: Cointelegraph By Dilip Kumar Patairya

Bitcoin Investing Made Simple!

Impersonation scams in crypto, explained

[ad_1] Understanding impersonation scams in crypto In impersonation scams, fraudsters pretend to be reliable individuals, exchanges or services to trick users into sending cryptocurrencies or disclosing personal information. In the context of cryptocurrencies, due to the pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrency transactions and the level of relative secrecy they provide, impersonation scams are common. So, how…
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What are Bollinger Bands, and how to use them in crypto trading?

[ad_1] A technical analysis tool called Bollinger Bands uses price volatility to provide probable entry and exit opportunities in trading. They are made up of two outer bands or lines and a centerline (the simple moving average for a 20-day period), which enlarges and contracts in response to changes in price. For thorough market analysis,…
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Cross margin and isolated margin in crypto trading, explained

[ad_1] Cross-margin trading is a risk management tactic in cryptocurrency trading whereby traders utilize the whole balance of their accounts as collateral for their open positions. Using account balance as collateral implies that the entire amount of the account is at risk in order to cover future trading losses. Cross margining makes higher leverage possible,…
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What is profit and loss (PnL) and how to calculate it

[ad_1] Anyone who has dealt with trading in traditional finance is likely to be aware of profit and loss (PnL). But is PnL in the cryptocurrency world the same? The ability to comprehend terms like mark-to-market (MTM), realized PnL and unrealized PnL will help develop a better understanding of the cryptocurrency a person holds. Without…
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What is Swan Bitcoin and how does it work?

[ad_1] When someone wants to buy Bitcoin (BTC), they usually take the route of a cryptocurrency exchange. Newbies may buy BTC on just any exchange they come across, while those with some sort of experience may opt for a reputable one. The exercise though bears little fruit as most exchanges function almost identically as centralized…
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What is crypto copy trading and how does it work?

[ad_1] Cryptocurrency trading is a complex skill requiring extensive knowledge of fundamental and technical analysis and the cryptocurrency ecosystem as a whole. As most traders lack the capability to develop a winning trading strategy, they struggle to learn a multitude of skills needed to be a successful investor (who knows how to swim through the…
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How to earn passive crypto income with Bitcoin

[ad_1] Bitcoin (BTC), along with other cryptocurrencies, has provided people with a venue to earn passive income, making money without any active involvement. One doesn’t need to take unnecessary trading risks or spend time reading and analyzing reams of information.  While the concept of passive earning isn’t new, cryptocurrency has undoubtedly added new dimensions to…
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Is Bitcoin a hedge against inflation?

[ad_1] Putting money in store of value investments like gold, real estate, stocks and crypto helps curb inflation. As cash loses purchasing power over time, keeping cash leads to people losing their savings. This has prompted people to put their money in store of value investments such as gold, real estate, stocks and, now, crypto.…
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