Author: Cointelegraph By Anupam Varshney

Bitcoin Investing Made Simple!

What major sports are paying athletes in crypto?

[ad_1] After suffering significant losses due to issues stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, the sports industry has turned to crypto to recoup its losses and help fans stay connected with clubs in today’s socially-distanced world. Over the past 18 months, countless deals and sponsorships have been reported between Web3 projects and sports teams, and if…
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Seven common mistakes crypto investors and traders make

[ad_1] Investing in cryptocurrencies and digital assets is now easier than ever before. Online brokers, centralized exchanges and even decentralized exchanges give investors the flexibility to buy and sell tokens without going through a traditional financial institution and the hefty fees and commissions that come along with them. Cryptocurrencies were designed to operate in a…
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